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  • Writer's pictureJohn DaSilva

FAQ on Using Otter AI Transcription and OtterPilot

Image showing an iPhone with OtterAI and Gogle Office apps and widgets, with a desk and cup of coffee in the background.

Image Credit - John DaSilva @ Action Items Lab

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FAQ's on Otter AI Transcription Software

See below for frequently asked questions on using Otter AI Transcription software and Otter Copilot. For more information on OtterAI its features and why we like it, check out our Full OtterAI Review.

How Do I Set Up Otter AI Transcription with Google Meet And Google Calendar on My PC?
How Can I Customize OtterAI Notifications (how do I get fewer OtterAI messages)?
How Do I Manually Add OtterAI to Meetings (what do I do if Otter AI doesn't show up in a meeting)?
How Do I Assign Speaker Names or Tag Speakers in OtterAI After the Meeting?
How Do I Export Meeting Notes from OtterAI?
How Do I Fix a 'CSRF missing token' Error Message When Using Otter?
What Are Some Tips for Effective Meeting Transcriptions with OtterAI?


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